Why I Blog About Hoarding Resources, Cleaning Tips, and Organizing Tricks

Hoarded room before and after clean up

I grew up in a family with hoarding tendencies. Our house contained a “classy hoard,” as my brother and I jokingly called it, because it was full of interesting books and objects from around the world. Nevertheless, it was a hoard. After our parents died, we had to figure out how to clear out the house and still retain some semblance of sanity.

Along the way, I’ve learned some things about hoarding resources, cleaning, organization, healthy and unhealthy relationships with possessions, personal care, and the importance of your loved ones. This blog will share the advice, tips, and tricks I discovered so you can have a handy resource at the ready.

You can also save time by learning about my mishaps and skipping the trial-and-error part (especially the error part) that I’ve already done for you.

You should get some insight into hoarding, tips to manage your objects, a different perspective on possessions, maybe a few laughs, and hopefully more compassion for anyone you know (or for yourself!) who may be struggling with hoarding or chronic disorganization.

Thanks for dropping by!

-Rachel Palmer Shelton

A disclaimer to state the obvious: The opinions expressed here are my own and not those of my employer. I am not a medical professional and this site does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.