
Freedom from Hoarding

July 4, 2023

Happy independence (from hoarding) day!

Wherever you are in your hoarding odyssey, I send you hope, love, and wishes for liberation from what can feel like an inescapable burden. 

You have it within you to transform those hoarding tendencies into different behaviors that bring you more pleasure or—at the very least—do not cause you physical or emotional pain.

Please know that there are people, including me, who care about you. You don’t have to do this alone: There are organizations, programs, and resources available to help folks who are chronically disorganized or struggle with hoarding.

“[H]oarding affects somewhere between 2% and 6% of the worldwide population.”

It’s also important to realize you (or your loved one who hoards) are not alone:

“Several recent studies have estimated that hoarding affects somewhere between 2% and 6% of the worldwide population. (This makes hoarding one of the most prevalent mental health conditions; the World Health Organization estimates around 5% of adults globally have depression.)” — Shackle, Samira.“You reach a point where you can’t live your life”: what is behind extreme hoarding? The Guardian, July 4, 2023 (My emphasis added.)

I can’t promise that you’ll easily get over a hoarding experience or that things will immediately feel like rainbows and unicorns are sprinkling silvery stardust whilst dancing throughout your home. Despite being out of a hoarded house for years, I had a hoarding nightmare last night. When I woke up, however, it was to a clean room. That made all the difference. 

(May you someday soon feel as carefree as this rainbow Pusheen.) 

Hope and joy,


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