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Things Can Be Different

hoarding Things Can Be Different

Mindfulness Helps You Stop Hoarding

October 19, 2018
Life Is No Object - mindfulness

Become Mindful to Improve Your Hoarding Problem Today, let’s talk about what mindfulness can do to help you conquer your hoarding issues. I mentioned in my previous post how it took me decades to finally overcome a lot of my tendencies and put my hoarding ways behind me. When I became mindful, I could at last start living my Things Can Be Different way of life, which is so much more fun and healthy. The Graveyard of Good Intentions As…

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hoarding Things Can Be Different

Confessions of a Former Hoarder or: How I Learned to Stop Hoarding and Love the Purge

October 15, 2018
Life is No Object blogger

Hello, friend. It’s been a while. Some of the delay in posting was due to my having way too much work to do with my day job, some of it was due to being sick, and the rest of it was due to trying to decide what would be the most useful topic to cover next. When I created this blog, I set out to provide resources and practical tactics to help you deal with your hoard or your hoarding…

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